Removal and Disposal of Hazardous, Non-Hazardous, & Universal Waste at the Red Shed, ADAK Island, Alaska
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Discover our expertise in remote Alaska logistics, waste characterization, transportation, and disposal through our successful execution of the removal and disposal of hazardous, non-hazardous, and universal waste from the Red Shed building situated on an abandoned military installation on Adak Island nestled in the pristine Aleutian Islands of Alaska.
We tackled the divers waste challenges with precision and efficiency. In total our RCRA experts field tested, characterized, containerized, staged, prepared shipping documents, coordinated the logistics, and disposal. In total over 300 55-gallon drums of waste and over 5,000 gallons of liquid waste, 2,000 pounds of lead acid batteries, 2,000 pounds of scrap metal, and filtered roughly 1,000 gallons of contaminated water through a portable granular activated carbon filtration system.
Project Location
Closer to Russia than Mainland Alaska.